Celebrate on the Way to Your Dreams

The beauty of the sunset caught my eyes tonight like most nights. We picked out or I should say God picked out a house for us that faces west. It faces the coastal mountains here in the Umpqua Valley of Oregon. On these spring days the sunset is just breathtaking. God created the world saying, “It is good.” I feel that today. After a day of creating, God gives his stamp of approval. He lays out a beauty at the end of the day just to show off a little. God celebrated every day and every work. I struggle to do the same. Often, I miss what is good that God has done through me. I walk in false humility, “Nothing good to see here.” How do you celebrate on the way to your dreams?

Seeing What’s Wrong

I see what is broken or morphed and totally miss out on the good that God has created all around me. He is good and the works of His hands are good. He has given us good works to do. It is not a sin to acknowledge that. The question becomes, how do we honor what God has done instead of wallowing in our self-righteous false humility?

You are Holy

As the sun sets while I am typing, I just want to tell you good job. You have done well and you are more prized than you give yourself credit for. God loves you and knit you together in a certain way for such a time as this. You are not an accident or malformity. You are a righteous son or daughter of the King because of what He has done and not because of our works. It’s okay to celebrate on the way to your dreams.

I miss this beauty in-between the sunrise and the sunset. I can get trapped by the low, gray clouds or burnt by the scorching sun, easily swayed by the world around me. If you aren’t, well props to you. This man is swayed, and I have found that a few things remind me of my identity in Christ and keep me on the center line of Christ and His Glory.

List of Your Identity Helps to Celebrate on the Way to Your dreams

I must keep a list of my identity in Christ. I have to say the words out loud because I often feel like the opposite of what He has said I am when I trust Him with my life. Write a list of the areas you have the strongest doubt. Neal T. Anderson wrote a great book on this that will help you called, Victory Over Darkness. This powerful, life-changing book will help you if you struggle with your identity in Christ.

Godly Friends

I need people to speak the truth of the Gospel over me when I don’t believe it for myself. We need friends the most when we don’t have time to build those relationships. If you don’t have Godly friends in your circle at the moment, that’s okay. It happens to all of us. Start today in building relationships. Join a small group, attend church, reach out to old friends. Everyone is lonely right now. Don’t give up on trying to attain a tight knit group; it will be worth the price.

Silence and Solitude Helps to Celebrate on the Way to Our Dreams

Getting alone with God allows His Spirit to be heard. He is speaking, are you listening? We are busy running around chasing dreams. I’m worried that we are too busy to hear our Father whisper His plans He has for our lives. Get alone with God and listen to who He says you are to celebrate what He has done through you in the day.


Worship is to celebrate Him in all we do. He was there in the mundane and the big moments of the day. Did you slow down enough to see Him in it? As we worship through word and deed we see Him in all things and can celebrate what He has done.

Well done today, you did your best. God is big enough to handle your worst moments and your best. Your undying faith and your wavering doubt. Some moments you will walk away proud and others with your head low, but in it all I want you to hear your Father saying, “It is good, give it to me and sleep.” Be blessed on your journey as you follow God and do what He has told you to do. It’s okay to celebrate on the way to your dreams.

What helps you to celebrate the journey?

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