Dreams and Goals for a New Year

I had a Facebook memory pop up today from December 31, 2019. I was so excited about 2020 in that memory. The new year is awesome, not so much staying up until midnight though. This guy usually rings in the new year asleep. When a new year begins, I love dreaming about what we are going to do and accomplish as a family and for myself. I’m a goal and dream nerd and I want you to accomplish your dreams and goals too. Everything is possible, hope is palpable.

While 2020 put a beat down on a lot of my plans, how did it affect yours?

One of my favorite quotes, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.” Mike Tyson said that and I’m pretty sure he is the one that gave us all a right cross to the chin. As I talk to people and examine my own heart, I don’t like what that punch to the face has done to my dreaming heart. I feel and see an insidious invader enter 2020.


I believe we are struggling with a disillusionment hangover and its turned us into a bunch of passive disheartened zombies. Why plan for 2021? Look what happened this last year. From virus to forced shutdowns, its been a year. We can get so drawn to what has been taken away or knocked upside the head, that we wait to plan goals and dream, and most of all HOPE.

Zechariah 9:12 says, “Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you.” Prisoners of hope! How can we be prisoners of hope instead of prisoners of despair?

God is bigger

A lack of hope is when I get my eyes off of the greatness of God and put my eyes on my problems and all the scary unknowns out there. I’m sure you had a lot of hard things this last year and I also know that God was not surprised by this year. I don’t know a lot of why things happened to us, but I do know the greatness and vastness of the Creator. He holds the world in the palm of His hands and sits with us in the moment. When I reach my final destination in Heaven, I’m excited to get a lot of my questions answered. In the meantime, I will choose to remind myself that He has this, He has me, and He has you in the palm of His hands no matter what it looks like.

What can I control?

I like to talk about and think about a lot of what I have no control over. It’s easier to make excuses that way. When I sit in passiveness excuses are comforting, however, I don’t want that for me and I don’t want that for you. I want us to be prisoners of hope, not prisoners of excuses. When we fixate on what we can control, we see even in 2020 most of our goals and dreams could have still been accomplished. I don’t say this to shame you or I, but to remind us that we can do more than we think. The coronavirus didn’t make me gain ten pounds, my stress eating of chips and salsa did that. What can you control? Plan and dream around those things.

Goals and Dreams Need an Eternal Perspective

We get drawn to passiveness when we look at the world or spend our days watching the news. We could be informed on world events in five minutes, yet some of us sit watching the news getting all worked up for an hour or more. Likewise, some get sucked into news on Facebook and Twitter. It gets our minds off of the eternal and onto this fallen world. God has things for you and I to do and we need to get in the business of doing them. This only happens when I remember that God has good works for me to do. It is then that I seek Him and His kingdom. Heaven is where our hope comes from, not current events.

Dreams and Goals Happen with Hope Filled Friends

I have days of struggle and I know that you do too. We need to surround ourselves with friends that remind us of Jesus and that He has things for us to do. We don’t need more friends that complain all day about a plethora of things. If you don’t have friends that remind you to have goals and dreams, maybe this could be one of your goals this year. Surround yourself with other prisoners of hope that raise your mood and expectations about what God will do.

Dare to dream today! If you want help reaching your goals and dreams, I did write a book about it which you can get here. Look to where our hope comes from, focus on what you can control, and move with hope and faith like a child. This year can be your best year yet. I believe God has great things in front of you. I believe the question is, do you? This year be chained and imprisoned to hope.

What helps you live in hope?

How to Gain Silence and Solitude in a Busy World

I can be like an A.D.D. supercharged squirrel trying not to get hit by an oncoming car. I’m on the go and I like it that way. I kind of bounce in between boredom and an overwhelmed panic attack state. Filling up my schedule so that the yellow line heading towards overheating red is just right. I have a sinking suspicion if you live in the western world you are there too; a society of people constantly moving in a noisy world. We have no time for silence and solitude.

 I’m typing this blog post on a computer with my smart phone next to me. Oh yeah, and a Youtube worship music video on the TV. Writing on this blog is quiet down time for me and this is the amount of action I have in quietness. I’m not alone in my scurry. What is going on around you as you read this? More than we realize we have squeezed out stillness and presence with “multi-tasking” (which is scientifically impossible).

I have been studying a lot about Jesus heading to places of silence and solitude often. I have been adding more and more of these moments of oasis in a digital hypersonic world and it’s changing my inner life and my relationships.

You Benefit From Silence and Solitude

There is an inner and an outer benefit to having moments of silence and solitude and our souls long for it. When we remove stillness, we become inwardly hurried and outwardly impatient. We can struggle to hear God’s voice and in turn sit passively. We can lose our personal call and blend into the culture around us.

Quiet time is difficult to obtain even if our hearts want it because we fill our lives to the brim. I have found that I need to fight for it and you will need to fight for it as well. Here are 4 tips that you can experiment with to help you gain some moments of silence and solitude.

Wake up Early to Gain Silence and Solitude

With a young family it is hard for me to get alone time unless I get up early. Setting an alarm to gain even an extra five minutes is a great way to ensure that I start my day alone with God. My wife craves that time too. She often wakes up a little bit after me, after I have had some quiet time with God and about the same time a few of our kids are awake, so I ensure they stay occupied while she gets her time with Him too. If you are married, helping each other by someone waking up a little early is a way to help get quiet time.

Set an alarm to Gain Silence and Solitude

I have three alarms set on my phone throughout the day. They are set as a reminder for me to stop, breathe, and commune with Jesus. I have one set at 8:00 am when I start work, one at 12:00 pm for lunch, and one to end the day at 5:00 pm. These alarms are placed at transition points to help me stop and consider God and seek His voice. It also helps me to leave work at work and home at home. Set an alarm and get in the practice of stopping everything even for just a minute.

Try an app

An app can help you stop and listen to God. Giving structure to our silence can be very helpful. I enjoy the Pause App because of this. While playing soothing music, it guides me through verses, questions to ask God, and really helps me stay focused instead of allowing my mind to wander. A plus to this app is it has alarm settings as well. Try an app to help you stop and listen more often.

Set a habit

Habits will win over hustle and bustle if you set them up. The quickest way to form a habit is to form it around something that already is a habit. For example, I make coffee every morning. If I stop and have silence right then I can form the habit quicker and that’s just what I have done. It is the other reason I form these pauses around set changes like going somewhere or coming home. It set an anchor to that point. Only in forming a habit to our silence and solitude can we have consistency.

Start with a consistent small change and try it out. If you don’t have success try a new experiment. Find what works for you, just don’t give up. These are counter cultural that will help you in your relationship with God and others. Don’t squirrel through life, rather have a steady rhythm of refill with God in silence and solitude and then do the work He is calling you to.

For more tips here is a short video.

What helps you to have moments of stillness with God?

Jesus Is The Hero Not Us

I love a good western movie. The stranger rides into town unknown to everyone and after some time the town villain usually wants him to join his gang but he refuses. Most often on some moral high ground he fights the villain and his men. Against all odds he wins the day, the girl, and then rides off into the sunset.

I use to mock my wife for watching the Hallmark channel because it’s the same plot over and over. Then I looked at my action movies I like to watch and realized they are just as predictable as a girl dumping the business man and falling for the dude that wears flannel and works with his hands in every Hallmark movie. That stings a little.

I like those movies because something in me wants to be the hero.

Writing a sentence that changes someone’s life. I want to be remembered. To be significant.

In the same breath I like to blame. If only I would have a shot, I can be just like Uncle Rico in Napoléon Dynamite, “If coach would have put me in fourth quarter things would be different.” If I would have less demands from others life would be easier. If I was made differently I would be better off. I’m an expert excuse maker if I try, it’s a super power.

I believe we all love to play hero and then are tempted to be a victim.

 There is a problem when any of us try and be the hero because it’s a role we aren’t designed to play. The real hero was a carpenter that lived a couple thousand years ago. Jesus became a better hero than any of us could ever be.

God designed things for us to do and we get to play an awesome part of living that out. Heck people will even remember your name if you are faithful to the call, but I hope and pray in what they say about us is, “Man, they really loved like Jesus.”

Jesus should be the hero of our story.

When we try and be the hero we will fail. When we fail, we blame. It’s a terrible cycle in case you’re wondering. I know this and yet I’m still tempted and try and put on my ten-gallon hat and six shooters riding that pale horse.

When we try and be a hero we overextend ourselves consciously or unconsciously because we are the answer! Life moves from the wonderful rhythm God intended to stress, pressure, and overwhelming feelings. If you feel stress, pressure, and are overwhelmed, stop and ask yourself, “Am I trying to play a part I was never meant to play?”

The Mundane Matters

The next area that hero playing can be dangerous is in the mundane. Often when I’m trying to be the hero I think that I need to do some grandiose vision. Something that would knock the socks off people, and I miss the chance to reflect on the King. I miss the very things that God may be calling me to. Often listening to someone, like really listening to their heart is a way to make Jesus the hero. Listening to my wife instead of telling her about my things that I care about. Playing catch with my son. Moments of mundane like these we could miss if we are looking to copy the Lone Ranger.

Make Jesus the hero of your story and simply model love. No one wants you to be the hero, however, everyone could use some more love. Love well in the simple things, love well when it’s inconvenient . Look for areas to pour out love to those you come in contact with by seeing them the way Jesus does and that would make a truly epic story. We live in an amazing beautiful story that began in the beginning of time and the hero is God. He lets you and I play a part of that story. The world doesn’t need another John Wayne, they need love from Jesus through you. Love consistently, love extravagantly, love graciously, and love sacrificially.

What helps you love others like Jesus?

The Struggle to Have Joy

My definition of exhausted has reached a new all-time high. I’m experiencing a level of weariness that is new for myself.  Like the soul crushing, mentally, physically, emotionally, relationally and spiritually exhausting. As a result I’m not experiencing much joy. You know the exhaustion we are all living right now. It makes the best in us come out doesn’t it? (insert sarcasm emoji here).

We are walking around easily triggered. Because there are real concerns and not a lot of middle ground. For example, some are worried about health, others that personal freedoms are being stripped away. One side calls the other uncaring, the other sheep. Americans are a divided people, and we are having such a hard time listening to each other. Having empathy and understanding seems to be the last thing on our minds and if you would just agree with me, we can be mad together.

I’m writing these words staring at a sign in our house.

JOY to the world.

It’s what the world needed 2,000 years ago. It’s what the world needs today.

Speaking of the world that’s easy to say. The world needs the joy of Jesus. Others need this joy. This kind of thinking only keeps the magnifying glass off of me.

I need Joy

I struggle with depression and disillusionment. Often I think life would be different, and easier. I’m upset at the world but in all reality, I’m upset at myself.

Joy, I need it.

Peace, I need it.

Hope, I need it.

I search out there for it, and it eludes me like the setting sun.

I have searched for joy in my environment and my soul is hurt by the sin out there and the sin in me. My soul is torn and soiled by what I and others have done.

I’m restless and sleepless when I search for something that has been given. I search too often. I try to earn identity, peace, hope, and joy. Those things have been given and are not things to obtain but walk in.

Jesus has been given. The One who holds it all together. The One that hung the stars in the sky holds everything together. I remember the designer of everything and everyone in the universe. I remember He sees it all I’m reminded that He made me and sees me.


God with us. He came. God came in human form. He felt what you feel. He sees US. All of us. He does not just see the parts of us that we pretend/hope are enough. Jesus brought Joy, but I fear our fear and busyness blocks out His voice all too often. He is as close as a whisper. Do you hear Him?

Joy unbridled. Joy and peace unspeakable is only found when we stop searching and start sitting with Him. Jesus came to be WITH YOU. He is as near as your Spirit surrenders and allows Him to be. We may not have answers, and when we get those answers, we may not like them. But the fruit that He offers is not from self-effort but from surrender. I surrender my plans, wishes, and dreams. I surrender my expectations, hopes, and fears. Often striving adds to the despondent feelings that are unquenchable but when I surrender, Joy, peace, and hope return to my mind and soul. This Christmas season I surrender, and I will choose to pick up JOY. Will you join me?

Choose Joy!

Anchored to Christ in Hard Times

I have a hard time staying anchored to Christ I was reminded of this while working in the homestead. We have been expanding our little homestead and this year we decided to try raising a couple of turkeys for Thanksgiving and Christmas. When I went to order the gobblers from the hatchery, I found out that the minimum order size was 15. So our couple of turkeys escalated quickly to 15. That is kind of how my dreams work. I commit and then the task grows, but I have to do it now! You can pray for my poor wife.

I have been moving my turkeys with an electrical fence. This gives them fresh grass and to fertilize an area of steep hill I want to row plants in the Spring. The last spot they were at I left them there for too long and the hill turned into a muddy and poop smelling mess. Oops! I knew it was time to move them, so I started to pull up the fence one stake at a time while holding onto the netting of the fence.

Right after I pulled up a stake my feet began to slide down the hill. The only thing stopping me from a poop covered grave was a little stake in the ground. As I was sliding down the hill I was praying, “God please no! Help the stake to hold.” Stranded on the hillside I felt like Sylvester Stallone on Cliffhanger, however, it looked more like a guy with a dad bod and a thinning hairline pleading for his smell to remain the same. I shuffled my feet slowly away from the poo and survived the incident. It was a close one and I know that I wouldn’t have been allowed in the house to shower if that stake didn’t hold. I guess you could pretty much call me a hero.

Life is like that sometimes.

We start out with a small plan of raising a turkey, something simple and clean. The next second we are in over our heads two seconds away from filth that’s hard to bounce back from.

Often in life when the world goes sideways we either slide down to new smelly lows or we stay up high and dry. The only difference is if we have something to anchor to that holds. If we let go of the anchor we go on the world’s worst slide. If our anchor doesn’t, hold its that same lame ride. Only by holding firm and anchored to the right thing do we thrive.

The only anchor that I have found to hold no matter the circumstances is God. He never fails. I do find that the other being in the relationship is more fickle than God and that is me. I tend to get distracted and instead of being in union with God I get into the hurry of life. These 3 things help me stay in union and connected to an anchor that lasts.

Scripture Keeps us Anchored to Christ

Reading the Bible daily reminds of my creator. Heck it’s His words in there and reading them helps remind me of who He is and who I am because of what He has done. Read the Bible daily and memorize some of His words to remain anchored no matter the circumstances that you will walk through.  

Silence and Solitude Keeps us Anchored to Christ

Arranging time to stop and be still before the Lord gives space for me to hear from Him. He is always speaking but often my mind and life is moving at such a pace that I’m not listening to Him. Getting alone and still before the Lord a few times throughout the day is a way that reconnects me in union with Him.


Being in nature reconnects me to God. He made nature and its beauty points to the Creator. Sitting on my porch looking at the majestic pine trees and hearing the birds and squirrels run around calms my heart. Nature is an echo of the Creator. It is His literal artwork. One of the exercises I do is remember a time on the Deschutes River at sunset. I visualize that moment with Jesus sitting with me and it invites me into worship of Him.

Nature, scripture, and silence and solitude are things I incorporate into my life in order to be anchored to Christ. God is our firm foundation and there are too many moments like poop hill that are too big for us without Him. Make sure your anchored to Christ today.

What helps you stay connected to God?