Having Joy While Chasing a Dream

I’m a serial dreamer. I always have something cooking in my mind and I’m pretty sure that’s the case for every entrepreneur. It’s a blessing often to be a dreamer, but it has some challenges as well. When you are a dreamer you live in a constant state of reality, not matching the dream. Always improving and tinkering, wavering back and forth between being in a state of feeling overwhelmed or bored. It’s a big reason why I wrote Chasing Dreams in a Minivan. Early on I was failing at bringing joy along while chasing a dream.

Joy is not based on circumstances, but man it’s a lot easier when circumstances are “right.” For example,  when I reach the summit of a mountain, joy is a lot easier than when I’m struggling up a shale rock path taking two steps forward and sliding back three steps. The problem is that hiking up the mountain takes up the majority of time. So please don’t be like Eeyore, it’s kind of sad. When you need joy in the journey I’ve got a few tips that should work for you, so give them a shot.

4 Ways to Have Joy While Chasing a Dream.

Kingdom Perspective Brings Joy While Chasing a Dream

God gives us many of the dreams in our hearts and we chase after them for His glory and in His name. I have noticed though that slowly I take the dreams that He has given me and make them an idol. An idol is when we take a good thing and make it the main thing. I think in our in-between state it’s easy to obsess over a dream that has not been realized. When we notice our joy leaving us we need to remember that the dream is great when God is chased above all. In a kingdom perspective we pursue God and the dream below that. Then we have the fruit of the spirit which one of them is joy. It is really that simple, however, I must confess it’s not easy. I often need help getting there and so I added some tips below.

Stepping Away Brings Joy While Chasing a Dream

Even as adults we need a timeout. Some of us more than others. One of the things that happens in a timeout is that blood pressure lowers and perspective returns. The bigger the loss or heartache, we need to step away a little longer. Take some time in nature; go for a walk or even get away out of town and out of cell phone reception. When we get away from it all we can hear God’s voice whisper to our hearts and fan the flame of passion for a dream. In those moments we can be drawn back to a Kingdom viewpoint and have joy in the journey.

Exercise to Hear

I have been working out a few days a week and it helps my joy level. My mind is so active and sometimes I act like I can worry and stress my way out of the depression. That maybe if I think about it long enough, bam! It’s suddenly okay. When we exercise there is a certain point when oxygen is hard to come by that stress and pressure dissipate. A bonus of exercise is that creative ideas happen when our body is moving. Connect with God by exercise and watch joy make an appearance.

Surround Yourself with Your Tribe

Sometimes I just need a hug and told it’s going to be okay and I’m not a failure. In our chase to reach our dreams we can take on the identity of the dream and forget that our identity is in Christ. In these moments we need people that we trust that can speak the truth of our identity in Christ over us. When we can’t see who we are we need them to remind us of who we are. Surround yourself with people that love you and love Jesus to remind you of who and whose you are to have joy return.

We will have moments on the journey that just plan suck. Other points will make you cry and question why. The key is not to get so frustrated that you don’t see Jesus in the moment because He is there with you. Take a moment and step away, exercise to get out of your mind, and get encouragement from your tribe. God wants to do something through you but more than anything He wants to do something in you. When we commit our lives to God and focus on Him and in the end TRUST Him and His plans we will be filled with joy.

How do you bring joy to the journey?

The Struggle to Have Joy

My definition of exhausted has reached a new all-time high. I’m experiencing a level of weariness that is new for myself.  Like the soul crushing, mentally, physically, emotionally, relationally and spiritually exhausting. As a result I’m not experiencing much joy. You know the exhaustion we are all living right now. It makes the best in us come out doesn’t it? (insert sarcasm emoji here).

We are walking around easily triggered. Because there are real concerns and not a lot of middle ground. For example, some are worried about health, others that personal freedoms are being stripped away. One side calls the other uncaring, the other sheep. Americans are a divided people, and we are having such a hard time listening to each other. Having empathy and understanding seems to be the last thing on our minds and if you would just agree with me, we can be mad together.

I’m writing these words staring at a sign in our house.

JOY to the world.

It’s what the world needed 2,000 years ago. It’s what the world needs today.

Speaking of the world that’s easy to say. The world needs the joy of Jesus. Others need this joy. This kind of thinking only keeps the magnifying glass off of me.

I need Joy

I struggle with depression and disillusionment. Often I think life would be different, and easier. I’m upset at the world but in all reality, I’m upset at myself.

Joy, I need it.

Peace, I need it.

Hope, I need it.

I search out there for it, and it eludes me like the setting sun.

I have searched for joy in my environment and my soul is hurt by the sin out there and the sin in me. My soul is torn and soiled by what I and others have done.

I’m restless and sleepless when I search for something that has been given. I search too often. I try to earn identity, peace, hope, and joy. Those things have been given and are not things to obtain but walk in.

Jesus has been given. The One who holds it all together. The One that hung the stars in the sky holds everything together. I remember the designer of everything and everyone in the universe. I remember He sees it all I’m reminded that He made me and sees me.


God with us. He came. God came in human form. He felt what you feel. He sees US. All of us. He does not just see the parts of us that we pretend/hope are enough. Jesus brought Joy, but I fear our fear and busyness blocks out His voice all too often. He is as close as a whisper. Do you hear Him?

Joy unbridled. Joy and peace unspeakable is only found when we stop searching and start sitting with Him. Jesus came to be WITH YOU. He is as near as your Spirit surrenders and allows Him to be. We may not have answers, and when we get those answers, we may not like them. But the fruit that He offers is not from self-effort but from surrender. I surrender my plans, wishes, and dreams. I surrender my expectations, hopes, and fears. Often striving adds to the despondent feelings that are unquenchable but when I surrender, Joy, peace, and hope return to my mind and soul. This Christmas season I surrender, and I will choose to pick up JOY. Will you join me?

Choose Joy!